Your elevator pitch

Do you have an elevator pitch? Do you know the “30-3-30” principle in sales? Well it basically means that you need a sales pitch for all occasions.  You never know when you’ll need to pitch your idea during a chance encounter with a prospective client in the proverbial elevator (30 seconds),  You might be introduced

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What’s your plan BE

Surely I mean what’s your Plan B? Well, it might turn out to be the same thing, but it is not a typo! Do keep reading.  This community we are creating at Alumnair is designed to make sure all our members have a Plan BE. Are you a job-seeker, a potential investor or a person

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Building Trust in Your Tribe

Building trust is about doing and giving. Doing is being reliable, delivering what you promise to deliver to your tribe. When they trust you, the work gets done faster, nobody needs to check up on you. Giving is about acknowledging and rewarding what others deliver for you. Everyone responds positively to a bit of gratitude,

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